Sotho Traditional Skrit Sotho Traditional apparel dates returned centuries. The wool blanket being the most iconic garment into sotho fashion. A wool blanket used to be given to King Moshoeshoe I, the founder of Lesotho, in 1860 as a gift. The King cherished the blanket so tons that he deserted his regular leopard-skin kaross for it. At almost each and every principal lifestyles event, from weddings to the births of young people to royal coronations, you’ll see blankets in a large array of colorations and designs. The Basotho tribe blanket is additionally regarded as the ‘Seanamarena’ in Sesotho. It is worn in day-to-day existence with the aid of herd boys, grannies, and even young adults to preserve warm. Types of Sotho Traditional Attire The Basotho human beings have a wonderful usual clothing.